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qadadah66 07-04-2016 10:40 PM

Ten Reasons ISIS Are Not Islamic
Sammy <[email protected]>
Mar 14

to me
We keep hearing about ISIS on the news and the word that is always used is Islamic, the fact is ISIS is not islamic and they are called islamic only because they consider themselves as such when in reality they are contradicting the Quraan And Methodology of the Prophet Mohammed PBUH.
Here is my top ten list why the insane group ISIS is infact Un-Islamic.

1. ISIS kills innocent people who are not involved in the conflict.

Not only do they kill men who are not even in the struggle they have the nerve to kill women and children, when the prophet ( pbuh) specifically commanded us not to do so.

The Quraan also says plainly not to kill anyone without just cause and anyone who kills a single innocent person it's as though they have killed all of mankind:
"Whoever kills a person unjustly it is as though he has killed all of mankind. And who ever saves a life, it is as though he has saved all of mankind." (Sura 5:32)

The Quraan also says: "Allah does not forbid you from being kind to those who do not fight you because of your religion and do not expel you from your homes... Indeed Allah loves those who act justly. ( 60:8)

Not only that but the prophet specifically told us not to kill women and children who are not involved in the battle as I mentioned above, yet ISIS specifically goes against the commands of the Prophet Peace be upon and kills innocent women and children, he the prophet pbuh said to his soldiers before the battle: "Do not kill any child, any women or any elder or a sick person" ( Sunan Abu Dawood)

He also commanded Muslims to be easy on the citizens they rule, as he instructed Muadh after Yemen was in Islamic rule, the prophet said: " Treat the people with ease and don't be hard on them, give them glad tidings and don't fill them with aversion"...

2. ISIS forces people to convert to Islam or die.

ISIS goes against the specific verses in the Quraan and the very method of the prophet (pbuh) when it comes to conversion. The Prophet never forced anyone to convert, rather his job was no more then to give the message. As the verse in the Quraan says and his sayings say:

"There is no compulsion in religion" ( 2:256) Qur'aan

And the Quraan also says: " And there is not upon the messenger except to give the message." (24:54)

That means the job of the prophet and Muslims is only to give people the message of islam, its not their job to convert them and they are not allowed to force them to believe.

It should also be noted that there was very large Jewish tribes in Madinah were the Prophet Mohammed pbuh was ruler and he never forced them to convert or die on the contrary his Jewish naihbor used to put garbage infront of the prophet pbuh home daily and he never harmed him for that even though most people would.

3. ISIS destroys places of worship and kill worshippers

The prophet pbuh forbid this action outright again and it is consider a cowardly type of action. It's as if ISIS is looking for everything the prophet forbade and doing the exact opposite of it as we can see. He specifically told us DON'T attack people in THIER places of worship nor kill the man who works in the fields who is not in the battle nor cut down a tree in other words do by cause undue harm to people who are not involved in the conflict and he specifically mention do not kill people while while they are in the places of worship. How dare anyone have the nerve to kill someone while they are praying? If that right is not protected then there will be total chaos on earth. They recently bombed a mosque in Saudi Arabia as well as Kuwait!

4. They Burn War Prisoners Alive

As we have all heard they burnt the Jordanian war pilot to death, again something specially forbidden in islam as the prophet pbuh has informed us its not allowed to torture prisoners or war, yet alone burn them to death. So we can see ISIS is apparently looking for everything the prophet Mohammed pbuh told us not to do and doing the exact opposite of it. The prophet told us treat the war captives with ease and lean to them and do not drag them in chains, and share your food with them. Where does burning a pilot alive who is a Muslim on top of that fit in with what the prophet pbuh order us to do?

5. They want to destroy the Kabba the holiest site in islam.

ISIS has actually mentioned and stated that they want to destroy the ka'bba the holiest site in islam!! The Kabba is regarded as the most holiest site in islam and there is no holier site holier then the ka'bba and Allah ordered it to be built by Ibrahim and his son, it is to be cleansed and God is to be worshiped at that location and all Muslims face it five times a day with the highest degree of respect yet ISIS wants to destroy the location where the prophet Mohammed pbuh him prayed and spoke and started his islamic mission. How can anyone really think these nuts are islamic or a Islamic state when they want to destroy the house of God that he ordered to be built for his worship?

6. They kill Muslims On A Massive Scale

Among the highest percentage of death at the hands of ISIS are actually Muslims possibly out numbering non Muslim deaths or are very near to them. Anyone who doesn't agree to their false form of islam they consider them apostates whether Muslim or not. This action again is something specifically mentioned NOT TO DO by the prophet Mohammed pbuh. He (pbuh) said: " Do not become non believers after me by striking each others neck". In other words killing other Muslims takes a Muslim out of Islam according to this statement.

7. ISIS fights the Muslim rulers And Calls Them Apostates

Yet another action the prophet pbuh ordered Muslims never to do unless the ruler has clearly disbelieved and fighting them will be the better of two evils. ISIS on the other hand wants and has stated they intend to fight all Muslim rulers calling them all apostates. The prophet pbuh said to the near meaning. "Obey the rulers even if one was to whip your back". That is because taking arms against rulers will result in civil unrest on a wide range and massive death and destruction as we have seen in Syria for example as well as Libya.

8. They don't accept islamic holidays practices as 'true' islamic teaching

According ISIS, the holiday Eid al fitr that follows the month of Ramadan that Muslims spend in fasting is usually celebrated by attending the mosque and praying and glorying Allah. ISIS on the other hand will have none of this, they banned anyone from attending the prayer that was ordered and practiced by the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). The Eid al fitr prayers has been practiced for over 1400 years yet ISIS claims its unislaimic even though the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) himself attended it and ordered every male man at age of puberty and above to attend it.

9. They Elected A 'Caliph' Without The Consensus Of Majority Of Muslims

When a electing a ruler for the Muslims according the the methodology of the pious 4 main companions of the Prophet Mohammed, the Muslims as a hole must agree to the decision and their opinion must be taken as well or at least the main pious scholars or rulers of the time, in this case the entire Muslim world reject the so called Caliph as a true Caliph. Since they have never heard of him before and he has no real political or religious experience therefore he is as qualified to be a Caliph as Jay Leno is qualified to be a rocket scientist. Not to mention the fact that he is just plain insane and a lunatic.

10. Most Members Of ISIS Don't Even Read The Quraan

According to a western reporter who was taken as a war captive and spent months in a ISIS prison he claimed that he had never seen a member of ISIS read or pick up the Quraan. He was asked well how would you know if they did or not? He said they forced us to study islam and never did they use the Quraan as the source of lessons instead they use their own ideas without referring to the Quraan or traditions of the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him. So as you can see from my top ten list ISIS is going against islam in most of it's actions as if they are purposely going around hand picking exactly what the Prophet Mohammed ordered us not to do and instead they do exactly what he ordered us not to do.

الساعة الآن 10:36 AM.

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