Have you read this hadith before? It contains a good lesson, not only for women but also for men too. It tells you to be yourself and to be happy with what Allah decreed for you. Now read the Hadith:
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying: There was a woman from Bani Isra'il who was short-statured and she walked in the company of two tall women with wooden sandals in her feet (this made her look taller than the other two women) and a ring of gold made of plates with musk filled in them and then looked up, and musk is the best of scents; then she walked between two women and they (the people) did not recognize her, and she made a gesture with her hand like this, and Shu'ba (one of the narrators of this hadith) shook his hand in order to give an indication how she shook her hand.
(Sahih Muslim)
Note: The gesture that the woman did with her hand was one that expresses her disappointment. She made herself Tall, she put perfume, she wore gold to get the attention of young men. She managed to get this attention for very short while, but they left her simply because they did not recognize her in this new look. They said to each other: Who is this girl? one of them might Have thought of marrying her. But when they saw her they were bewildered. This face looks familiar, but the girl who has this face in our village is short unlike this tall one. The result was that those young men Just continued walking and did not care about her anymore.
Have you read this hadith before? a wonderful one read
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Emad Fadel ; 01-04-2010 الساعة 07:39 AM