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Emad Fadel 05-05-2011 08:16 AM

عجب للمسيح Wonder to the Messiah
Wonder to the Messiah among Christians, to what father do they link him?

They falsely link him to God, then they imagine that the Jews crucified him.

If we were to grant the accuracy of his crucifixion and killing, then where was his father?!

The kind father shows mercy to the son when his enemies hit him.

If God was happy with their torture [of his son], then praise them for what they had done!

If God was unhappy with their torture [of his son], then worship them because they got victory over him!

Look and see the ignorance of a people who undermined through logic what they sought to prove

عجب للمسيح بين النصارى وإلى أي والد نسبوه
نسبوه إلى الإله افتراءً ثم ظنوا اليهود قد صلبوه
لو حكمنا بصحة الصلب والقتل عليه فأين كان أبوه
يشفق الوالد الرءوف على الابن إذا ما أعداؤه ضربوه
أفإن كان راضيا لأذاهم فاحمدوهم لأجل ما فعلوه
ولئن كان ساخطا لأذاهم فاعبدوهم لأنهم غلبوه
فانظروا تعلموا جهالة قوم أفسدوا بالقياس ما أثبتوه

Emad Fadel 12-05-2011 09:51 AM

رد: عجب للمسيح Wonder to the Messiah
Thanks for your comment. Christianity was altered and changed after the death of Jesus. This is very clear

aammar 04-07-2012 05:31 AM

رد: عجب للمسيح Wonder to the Messiah
جزاكم الله خيرا
رائعة تلك الابيات

Emad Fadel 07-07-2012 04:25 PM

رد: عجب للمسيح Wonder to the Messiah
بارك الله فيكم. ونسأل الله أن يهدينا ويهدي بنا.

الساعة الآن 03:43 AM.

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