It happened that the governor had a she-camel which was razing freely in people's land and fields. people started to complain as this camel ruins their crops and at the same time no one was able to stop it as they were very afraid of such governor if he knows what they done.
they sent a delegation to meet him at his palace which was very far away from where they live in order to talk to him about this matter. They chose one hundered man to go in the early morning. However, in the morning, only half of them gathered in the due place and the rest did not come at all. during their journey alot of them excused themselves and left and the remaining ones were only ten who reached at the door of the palace. When they were given the permission to enter and meet the governor, they stood one line in front of him. Then, he asked that one of them steps forward and talks on their behalf.All of them were too afraid and none moved forward. When the oldest one of them thought that if no body moves forward, they might be killed all or be in jail,he moved one step forward. He started to talk: "We came to thank you for choosing our area for your she-camel to raze in, And we feel sorry for her because she might feel lonely and we ask that you send a male camel for her so that they both raze happily and got children. Of course this is the honor we truely want to keep."
At this the governor thanked them and sent a male camel with them to make this wish come true. When the delegation left, they blamed the man for what he said as the situation became worser. He said the deal was that 100 men will come to meet the govrnor and this number was reduced to 10 and as a punishment for you, i proposed that a male camel comes to your own lands to raze with the she-camel!!
Coward people - symbolic story coward people story symbolic