Definitely, the most important benefit of the benefits of Hajj is that it reminds all Muslims, pilgrims and non-pilgrims, of judgment Day. Very similar are the pilgrimage and the Day of Judgment. Pilgrims experience many incidents remind them of the Day of Judgment and then they return home and relate to many people these incidents, thus people recall the Day of Judgment therefore.
Almost every Muslim knows two or more pilgrims who relate to him incidents they experienced on their journey to Haj.
Allah, Almighty, placed the love of pilgrimage in the hearts of all Muslims, therefore, the one observes the keenness of all Muslims to observe pilgrimage and to see off pilgrims on departure and receive the on return , they visit them and lend their ears to them on relating the rites of pilgrimage.
In this manner, pilgrimage is a rite reminds Muslims of these great benefits and the Day of Judgment.
Before mentioning the similarity aspects between the Day of Judgment and pilgrimage, it should be said that most corruption and sins committed on earth are due to being heedless of the Day of Judgment where every human being will be held questionable for his deeds since the very moment of puberty till death as Allah says: (Those who go astray from the way of Allah will have severe torture because of being heedless to the Day of Reckoning) sad, 26.
If people on earth revive always the Day of Resurrection in their minds, all troubles encountering humanity will be solved. It was the first thing the prophet Muhammad reminded people of on the very days of Da`wah as saying: (By Allah, certainly you will die as you experience sleeping and will be resurrected as you experience getting up, and will be held questionable for your deeds to enter eternally hell fire or paradise).
If the one kept recalling the Day of Judgment, he would always be mindful for being questioned about every moment he lived on earth, word he uttered, penny he earned, dealing with people and every deed toward Allah, Almighty.
Pilgrimage is a big shock for the Muslim nation to recondition itself. If the one recalls the Day of Judgment, will he steel, wrong others, accept bribe, do wrong to his parents, and wrong his household or even those he is not acquainted with?
Definitely, answer is in negative.
Accordingly, we would realize that the goodness for humanity resides in recalling the Day of Reckoning. Let's remember this phrase very well: (The goodness for people globally resides in recalling the Day of Reckoning).
Resemblance between Pilgrimage and Day of Judgment day judgment pilgrimage resemblance