In spite of the passage of long days, months and years, the hijrah (Prophet's emigration from Makkah to Madinah) remains an overwhelmingly inspiring event, from which old and modern scholars did a god job deriving lessons.
I do not claim to have read all works written by great scholars on the subject. However, I could comprehend some lessons and could, through Allah's help and guidance, benefit delightfully from their deep wisdom and enlightening knowledge. In fact, I want here to focus on a very important aspect, i.e. Hijrah and planning for the new year. Although many scholars have dealt with this aspect at length, I aim at making a conjunction between it and our daily life.
Actually, the Prophet's plan for the Hijrah and subsequent events was a plan for a whole stage of Da'wah (call to Allah) and the whole extended Ummah not only for one year, one individual or a single tribe. Nevertheless, we here propose the possibility that each of us can work a plan for himself, his family and even for his Ummah.
Frequently Repeated Question
The question that is constantly urgent is: what to do this hour or this day? The answer gets more urgent with the passage of months to reach the climax by the end of a year and the aspired for beginning of another. Allah the Almighty said, "And We have appointed the night and the day as two Ayat (signs etc.). Then, We have made dark the sign of the night while We have made the sign of day illuminating, that you may seek bounty from your Lord, and that you may know the number of the years and the reckoning. And We have explained everything (in detail) with full explanation." [Al-Isra', 12].
What are we today during the coming year?
In fact, this leads us to a more difficult question: what did I do during the last year or years? No doubt, some of us has done well while others, undoubtedly, feel regretful because they have not done good and that things would have gone better in case they had been well-planned for.
In order not to cry over spilt milk, let us together start new white pure pages. To make these pages snow-white, let us start them with lines of asking Allah to forgive us, guide us to well-manage our affairs and to reform our affairs.
Our urgent ten-point plan proposed!
Since a student in the high school, I was used to try to work out an annual plan by the beginning of every AH or AD year. Although very simple, the plan would clearly express my needs and ambitions in the respective stage. I can remember that I once arranged in a plan to be a regular reader of a certain Islamic monthly magazine, to read certain books on various cultural fields and to save some of my daily pocket money to help me enforce the plan terms.
Knowing that many readers excel the author in the field of working out and how to process plans, I view it is inevitable for any simple but purposeful plan to include one of the following aspects.
First: The faith aspect
How is and how was your relationship with Allah? Do you want for this relationship to go on this way, or perhaps you want to upgrade it? Thus, your plan in this regard should include to what extent you contemplate on the Qur'an, perform Qiyam (night prayer) and say Dhikr (remembrance of Allah). This is in addition to the average of performing prayer in congregation and stressed acts of Sunan (supererogatory prayers). Anyway, be keen to always start and end your day with asking for Allah's forgiveness.
Second: The Da'wah aspect
In fact, this is the fruit of the faith aspect. The saying goes, "Only full containers that overflow." In other words, you may not successfully call others to Allah unless your heart is full faith in and sincerity with Allah. Only then you can feel your responsibility of guiding others. In this regard, you should always ask yourself whether you perform your due Da'wah (calling to Islam) work.
Third: The knowledge aspect
By this aspect I mean scientific specialization, whether studying in a certain scientific institution or learning from a certain scholar. How much knowledge you acquired in your specification? How much you plan to acquire? Have you prepared the necessary time and effort? To this effect, Yahia bin Ma'in said, "Knowledge may not be acquired indefatigably."
Fourth: The cultural aspect
This aspect is wider in scope than the knowledge aspect although less specialized. By this aspect I mean the materialization of the sentence "know something about everything". What news will you pursue? What general books you will read? What do you know about current issues on the spot? Be sure that enhancing this aspect will help you make proper decisions.
Fifth: The health aspect
By this aspect I mean running medical investigation and regular check even if you suffer from no disease. Although some people might consider it of minor significance, the actual fact proves that many diseases might be symptomless in the beginning and then develops into a more serious state – we ask Allah to safeguard us all – bearing in mind that we live an era of radio activity and all kinds of pollution. Hence, I view it is inevitable to run regular check even if of a high cost. Under this aspect is also included caring for personal hygiene and suchlike matters.
Sixth: The financial aspect
What is your plan and steps to develop your financial ability? In fact, being wealthy is not bad. In this regard, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "It is very good that a righteous man has righteous money. (1) " However, this does not conflict with being ascetic, for real asceticism means that worldly means be in one's hand not in one's heart. Thus, it is unobjectionable to work out a plan to develop your financial ability so that you can make good use of the bounties Allah conferred upon you.
Seventh: The job or vocational aspect
Each of us has to have clear job ambitions and has to develop his faculties through relevant specialized training courses. To the same effect, one has to care for and develop one's tendencies and skills and promote one's capabilities, which might result in increase in one's productivity and cause one to lead a happier and more comfortable life.
Eighth: The family aspect
While preparing the annual plan, one should never overlook one's family (wife and children). One should plan to promote them on both scientific and educational levels so that they might shift into a better state. As for unmarried persons, this aspect will be represented in the plan within the preparatory stage, in the sense of seeking a good wife or trying to complete the marital bond in case one is engaged. Such a person should work out a plan with realistic steps fitting his standard of living.
Ninth: The relatives aspect
This aspect is wider in scope than the family aspect, which extends to include one's nearest of kin and in-law relatives. Actually, this aspect is very important, bearing in mind that maintaining the ties of kinship is an Islamic fundamental. In fact, I would like to tell that I consider maintaining the ties of kinship a financial resource in accordance with the Hadith that reads, "Anyone who desires the expansion of his provision or to have the best of his life prolonged, should maintain ties of kinship. " (2)
Tenth: The social aspect
It is more wider in scope that the two previous aspects (family and relatives) as it includes all acquaintances, neighbors and work colleges, each being liable to certain duties. This aspect also includes those whom we contact through the internet or any other modern communication media. It is inevitable to regulate contacting them and to deal with them kindly as they are absolutely effective in our lives.
Planning connected to reliance on Allah
Although very simple, the aforementioned points, undoubtedly, include all human life aspects. In order to put them into a practical realistic plan, much time and effort are needed so that they might be fruitful, if Allah so wills.
Taking all means into account as possible, we should never forget full reliance on Allah, being constantly fully connected to Him and asking Him frequently to guide us to that which pleases Him.
I would like to conclude quoting a statement of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali, "There are how many plans that, although properly and perfectly worked out, are vulnerable to be overpowered by unexpected circumstances, which forces them to fall within the scope of Divine Wisdom. In fact, everything happens within the limits of the Qur'anic verse that reads, 'And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not.'(3) " [Yussuf, 21]